The Madonnina del Pasquilio Church is a religious building located in the municipality of Montignoso, in the locality of Pasquilio.
The church was built starting from December 1943 [2] on the initiative of the Dominican friar Pietro Del Giudice, who came from the Savonarolian Convent of San Marco in Florence but originally from Montignoso, with the aim of covering the transfer of weapons and logistical material necessary for the organization of the first nucleus (then under the name of “Lupi delle Apuane”) of what will be the Patrioti Apuani, a group of partisans among the most important of all the Resistance of Apuania The Dominican together with the partisans started a subscription to build a small church votive to the Madonna, in which the local fascists also participated unwittingly.
After the war it was further developed in its current form.
The exterior, in marble, is in sober rustication, the interior is also simple in a single nave: the only decoration is the statue of the Virgin Mary Queen of Peace, depicted with a lamb at her feet, symbol of sacrifice in humility.
Every year, near the church, on 25 July (or on the closest Sunday), an important ceremony is held in memory of the sacrifice of the partisans, with a mass of the Roman-Catholic rite in suffrage for the victims of the partisan struggle and the victims of war.