Rioni del Carnevale di Viareggio

The Rioni del Carnevale are nocturnal masquerade bacchanals held in some districts of Viareggio (Lucca) on the occasion of the Viareggio Carnival. They offer evenings of fun in full carnival spirit, with gastronomic facilities (above all based on Viareggio cuisine) and musical stages arranged along the entire pedestrian area offering music of various kinds but above all that typical of the Viareggio Carnival. The main carnival districts are Torre del Lago, Marco Polo, Darsena and Croce Verde.

To these are added other districts such as Migliarina, Varignano, Terminetto, Vecchia Viareggio, Quattro Venti, Ex Campo d’Aviazione.

The masks range from satirical with an eye to politics, up to the classic and often handcrafted allegorical floats and themed masquerades parade.

History of the Rioni
The local festivals were born in 1970 and are currently organized by the Assorioni del Carnevale of Viareggio, an association made up of numerous volunteers.